What Does Jimi White Video Productions Specialize In?
- College Recruiting Highlight HD Video Packages
- College Exposure For All Girls and Boys Highschool Sports
- Complete Player Profile HD Videos For Every Highschool Sport
- Complete HD Highlight Reels and Extensive Video Editing
Colleges across the nation are always looking for talented high school athletes to become a part of their athletic programs. Many times, colleges offer partial or full scholarships to athletes who meet their criteria.
Unless you are located in a large city with it's own university, or a phenomenal all-state or all nation athlete i.e. Lebron James, or are a state championship contender, your high school athlete's exposure is limited to your local area. Many times parents will take it upon themselves to gain exposure for their high school athlete by either sending a written resume to the colleges, or putting together a video of their own to showcase their athlete. The problem with this is that parents are not video producers and are very limited on their video production abilities. Parents also have limited knowledge on what the colleges are looking for as far as video footage, lengths of the videos, submittal procedures, and other important information. Parents of athletes submit thousands of written resumes and college recruiting videos each year with very limited results. The reason is you have to keep the college coaches engaged and connected to your video.
Jimi White Productions combines the athlete's written resume and the athletic footage into one, delivering a professional, high quality college recruiting video to showcase your high school athlete's abilities, skills, academic and athletic statistics for the college coaches. We also provide important information on what content to include, submission guidelines, and other marketing techniques to get your high school athlete the exposure they deserve so the college coaches will consider your high school athlete to be a part of their collegiate athletic program.
With our experience, we guarantee that our college recruiting videos will keep the college coaches engaged and connected to your video, from start to finish!